YouTube Can Teach You Woodworking… Sorta

I’ve been asked how I learned to do the things I do. The short answer is trial and error. Simply trying and making mistakes is the best way to learn if a finger isn’t lost in the process.

But, YouTube has taught me so much. If I had access to the amount of information available today when growing up, I would be a “dangerous” (and wealthy) man.

Here are some of my favorites in no order:

Wood By Wright

I have been working with wood since I could stumble into the shop with my dad. Several years ago, I moved into a house without space for a full shop, so I decided to take up all hand tool woodworking. That started a whole new passion for wood. Now I feel as though I am learning the art all over again. My Joy and desire is to share this passion for hand-tool woodworking with everyone I can. So come along for the fun of learning the ancient and new art of Hand tool woodworking!

3×3 Custom

3×3 Custom is about trying something new and learning as you do. Follow along as I design, build and create custom projects that you can make on your own!

Jonathan Katz-Moses

Woodworking is my passion and I there is nothing I won’t try to build, fix, or improve on my own. I got into woodworking and the passion has completely consumed me. Becoming a great woodworker and do it yourself-er is about finding the right information and creative solutions with the materials and skill sets available to you. I eagerly look forward to showing you how I accomplish my projects.

Epic Upcycling

Hi, I’m Jason, and my channel is all about making things out of junk. Most of the materials I use in my videos were discarded, or thrown away, destined for landfill, or the bonfire. These videos are not meant as tutorials, they are just to show the way I do things. I hope they will in some way entertain, and maybe help everyone to see the beauty and usefulness of every piece of scrap out there. Happy UpCycling 🙂


Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your DIY maker creations. Explore. Share. Make.

That’s a good start.

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