Author: harshbrutus

  • Sharpening Your Chisels and Hand Plane Blades

    Sharpening Your Chisels and Hand Plane Blades

    Dull chisels & hand plane blades are useless, (and I hear dangerous in the case of the chisel) when trying to effectively remove wood. You can still remove the scales from a bluegill and scrape Fido’s lawn biscuit from your shoe with a dull chisel, but for woodwork, they are more a hindrance than useful…

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  • YouTube Can Teach You Woodworking… Sorta

    YouTube Can Teach You Woodworking… Sorta

    I’ve been asked how I learned to do the things I do. The short answer is trial and error. Simply trying and making mistakes is the best way to learn if a finger isn’t lost in the process. But, YouTube has taught me so much. If I had access to the amount of information available…

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